• 5 июля 2018, четверг
  • Москва, Большая Семеновская, 38

AISThack 2018

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2121 день назад
с 10:00 5 июля до 19:00 7 июля 2018
Большая Семеновская, 38

Hackathon on Blockchain data, Social Media and Text Analysis


Welcome to AIST Hackathon 2018!

Have you ever thought that you can change our understanding of the world of economy? Understand how people take decisions, and why they live the way they do it? See how it combines psychology, phylosophy and information flows? 

Blockchain gives us a chance. In the open world, we are here to analyze pricing, onchain data, news flows combined, based on an introduction to mass psychology from international cryptoassets analysis startup. 

You will be supported by an introduction from international blockchain startup, and lectures from Sberbank, HSE, Mail.ru, as well as a colocated scientific Data Science conference. With professional facilitation, you will be able to create your dream team to start changing the world. 

Three days of challenge. Three days of insights. You in the center. 

Register to be here on 5-7 July, 2018.



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Профессиональная билетная система, статистика продаж 24/7, выгрузка списков участников, встроенные инструменты продвижения, личный кабинет для самостоятельного управления и еще много чего интересного.

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